Membership and Account FAQs

What is Webster First’s routing number?

Webster First’s routing number is 211386597.

What is my member number? Is it different from my account number?

Your member number is the number all your related accounts are bundled under. Many Webster First members have a checking, savings, and investment account all associated with the same member number. Your member number is listed on the top of your printed statements or eStatements. (Please note, your statement may list “Account Number” in the top left, as shown below.)


Under your member number, each individual account will have its own account or MICR number. In most cases, each account number contains your member number. Your account number can be obtained from your checks, online banking, or the mobile app.

To find an account number in online banking, click on the desired account, and then click “Account Details:”


To find an account number in our app, tap on the desired account, then tap “Details:”


To find an account number using your checks, follow the diagram below:

What is the difference between a bank and a credit union?

Banks are for-profit financial corporations that conduct business to maximize the price of their stock and profit for their stockholders. Credit unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives that conduct business for the mutual benefit and general welfare of their member owners.

What are Webster First’s fees?
What are the Terms & Conditions on my account?
What is Webster First's Privacy Policy?
I need to update my street or email address, how can I do that?

If you use online banking or our app, you can simply update them there. You’ll need to update your address separately within Bill Pay as well. Not an online banking user? Call us at (800) 962-4452 or stop by your local branch.

What holidays is Webster First closed on?

As a federal credit union, Webster First observes all federal holidays. Additionally, we typically have reduced hours on Thanksgiving Eve, Christmas Eve, and New Year’s Eve. You can view our holiday schedule and closings here.

How will I know if Webster First is closed due to snow or inclement weather?

Sometimes a snow day is inevitable in New England. If our branches are closed due to snowy conditions or other inclement weather, we’ll put a notice on, your online/mobile banking login screen, and our social media pages. We’re on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X.

What do I do if my ATM/Debit Card is lost or stolen?

If your ATM/Debit Card has been lost or stolen during business hours, please call us at (800) 962-4452 for immediate assistance. If your card has been lost or stolen after hours, please call (800) 528-2273 for assistance.

How do I re-order checks?

You can re-order checks at a branch, using the mail order form provided in your current box of checks, or online. When you are ready to re-order your checks online, please make sure to have your check re-order slip ready. To place an order, log in to Harland Clarke’s check reordering website by clicking here. You may log in using your Order Identification Number and Check Number found on your check re-order form.

What do the numbers on my checks mean? How can I find my routing number and/or my account number?

Your checks feature Webster First’s routing number, your account number, and the check number. Please refer to the diagram below for reference. Please note that the diagram is for reference only, and the length of your actual account number may differ from what’s shown.

How can I place a stop payment on a check?

You can place a stop payment on a check by completing the form in online banking or our mobile app, contacting our call center, visiting a branch, or via telephone banking. Please note that there is a fee assessed for each stop payment order. Refer to our fee schedule for more information.

Does Webster First offer overdraft protection?

Yes, we offer three different overdraft options – overdraft protection, overdraft privilege, and overdraft protection lines of credit. Read more about all overdraft options here.

Can I use my Webster First Debit Card in a mobile wallet?

Yes! You can add your Webster First Debit Card to any mobile wallet.

How do I dispute a charge on my debit card?

You can dispute a charge or report a lost/stolen debit card by calling (800) 962-4452 during business hours. To report a lost or stolen card after hours, call (800) 528-2273.

How do I let someone know I’ll be traveling and using my debit card out of state?

Call our Member Service Center at (800) 962-4452. They will be able to add a note to your account.

Can I deposit checks from home or on the go?

Yes! Remote deposit is available in our mobile app and online banking. Please note, you will need to download our DeposZip desktop application onto your Windows computer in order to make remote check deposits from online banking.

Learn more about DeposZip

How do I close my account?

We’re sad to see you go, but if you would like to close an account you may visit your local branch or submit a written/typed letter of request by mail. This letter should include your address on file, signature, and member number. Mail to:

Webster First Federal Credit Union
271 Greenwood St
Worcester, MA 01607